Beautiful Cursive Tattoos

cursive writing tattoo

This is not the first time we have talked about fonts in tattoos. However, today we will concentrate on beautiful cursive lettering. Hopefully, you will learn more about the cursive typography and fonts and how to find them.

What is Cursive Lettering and Cursive Tattoos?

Cursive or script lettering is a type of handwritten style of penmanship. Penmanship means any type or handwriting, which uses a special writing instrument. What separates cursive fonts from others is their flowing manner. People developed cursive fonts to save time and write faster. This is the reason why letters join in a loop, while writing. Almost all modern interpretations of cursive fonts use both joins and pen lifts. This makes the fonts even more interesting and variable.

Cursive Tattoos

The ascending and descending loops of the letters have become decorative elements. This is why cursive fonts are perfect for tattoos, they are always rich and complex. Some fonts are narrower, some slant forward and do not have joint letters, such as the Italic fonts. Many of the modern cursive fonts keep their original appearance of some symbols. They still use letters originating from the times of Ancient Rome, the Middle ages, and the Renaissance.

Cursive Letters Tattoo

Cursive Lettering in Tattoo Art

In tattoo art, cursive letters are widely interpreted. You can see bold and heavy black cursive fonts or fonts with outlines and shading inside. Others  of only outlines. Most of the cursive letters used in cursive  tattoos are artistic and custom developed by the artist. They sometimes include floral elements, splashes or imitate ink stains.

Cursive Lettering Designs

Script Letters Tattoo

To choose you perfect designs you need to explore carefully different cursive fonts. Start with the traditional ones, used for hand tattoos, chest or large back pieces. If you prefer something more unusual, you can try a custom artistic font and use it to form an arm or leg tattoo. The more artistic and rich the font is, the more chaotic it looks on the body.

To see some amazing examples you should check out the amazing blackwork tattoos of the artist Stanislav Gromov.

Script Letters Tattoo
Script Letters Tattoo